plusimmo AG - das Immo-Investment

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The content of our web pages was prepared with the utmost care. The provider accepts no liability for the content of being accurate, complete or up-to-date. It also rejects any liability for damage of any kind that may arise from the use of
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The contents on are copyright protected. The full or partial reproduction, electronic or other distribution, modification, use for commercial or public purposes (in particular, the insertion into a website) shall be subject to the provider’s prior approval.
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Your personal details shall only be used for the dispatch of information. The provider shall treat all details entered as confidential and refrain from passing these on to third parties.

You may access our websites without having to provide any personal details. Our web servers shall register non-personal user data when you visit our websites. The log files provide information on your IP address, the last site visited, the browser used, the date, time and the files requested. These data are anonymous and shall be used internally for statistical purposes. We strictly ensure that the user data are not linked to personal details.
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